Izmir Institute of Technology provides food scholarships to students with insufficient financial means. The number of students who will benefit from the food scholarship is determined by the IZTECH Food Scholarship Commission upon the proposal of the Department of SKS. IZTECH Food Scholarship application announcement is published in the announcements section of the IZTECH web home page at the beginning of each academic year. Students who want to apply for the food scholarship must apply online at https://bursbasvuru.iyte.edu.tr/ between the announced dates and upload the required documents to the system in full.

After the applications are evaluated, they can check the application results on the result announcement date specified in the application announcement at https://bursbasvuru.iyte.edu.tr/ and in the announcements section of IZTECH’s web page. Students who are eligible for scholarships do not need to take any further action. These students can benefit from the food scholarship in the current academic year (fall and spring semesters).

Students who are candidates for IZTECH food scholarship must upload the following documents to the system in a complete, correct and readable manner. Documents received from e-government must have verification codes.

  1. A copy of the birth certificate with proof of birth (taken from the e-government of the mother or father and including the number of siblings.)
  2. Document proving their income for those whose parents are working or retired (payroll slip, tax certificate)
  3. For those who declare that their mother and/or father are not working, the “SSI Registration and Service Transcript” issued by the Social Security Institution.
  4. For siblings in education, a student certificate from the school or E-Government.
  5. Lease contract for those who declare that their family lives in rented accommodation.
  6. Health report if there are chronic ailments and diseases.
  7. If a relative of a martyr, a document proving that he/she is a relative of a martyr.